In questo esempio didattico vediamo come si puo' pensare un classico semaforo con Arduino con un pulsante per il passaggio pedonale.
Si vuole programmare un semaforo con Arduino con i seguenti cicli:
- Rosso 40 secondi
- Verde 40 secondi
- Giallo 5 secondi
Inoltre il progetto deve avere un pulsante per il passaggio pedonale.
Solo se viene premuto il pulsante per almeno un secondo deve attivarsi la funzione custom chiamata
- pedestrian_crossing()
entro cinque secondi dalla pressione del pulsante.
Quando si attiva tale funzione il semaforo deve diventare
- Giallo per 5 secondi
- Rosso per 20 secondi (per consentire ai pedoni il passaggio sulle strisce pedonali).
per poi riprendere il ciclo normale.
Si puo' usare la piattaforma per simulare il progetto, oppure, come in questo caso, il software Fritzing per disegnare lo schema elettrico e il circuito disposto su breadboard.
Ecco lo schema elettrico:
Ecco la vista breadboard:
Ecco lo sketch:
Prof. Fausto Mariani
Just another Traffic light with pedestrian crossing button
This code is public domain - "dominio pubblico "
int LedR = 10; // LedR connected to digital pin numer 10
int LedY = 11; // LedYconnected to digital pin numer 11
int LedG = 12; // LedG connected to digital pin numer 12
int BUTTON = 13; // Input button connected to digital pin number 13
int val = 0; // to store the state of input button
unsigned long time_elapsed = millis();
unsigned long time_elapsed_with_button_pressed = millis();
unsigned long duration_pressed;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // to enable Serial monitor to PC
pinMode(LedR, OUTPUT); // to set the output
pinMode(LedY, OUTPUT); // to set the output
pinMode(LedG, OUTPUT); // to set the output
pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT); // To set the pedestrian crossing input button
void loop() {
val = digitalRead(BUTTON); // To read the current input value and store it
// check if the button has been pressed
if (val == HIGH) {
time_elapsed_with_button_pressed = millis();
duration_pressed = time_elapsed_with_button_pressed - time_elapsed;
// duration_pressed store the time for which the button is pressed
if (duration_pressed > 1000)
// in order to check if the button has been pressed for at least 1 second
Serial.println("Button High, duration_pressed:" || duration_pressed);
Serial.println("We are waiting 4 seconds...");
pedestrian_crossing(); // we call the pedestrian_crossing() function
time_elapsed = millis(); // to restart time pressed count
else {
digitalWrite(LedR, LOW); // switched off the Red
digitalWrite(LedY, LOW); // switched off the Yellow
digitalWrite(LedG, HIGH); // fire the Green
digitalWrite(LedR, LOW); // switched off the Red
digitalWrite(LedG, LOW); // switched off the Green
digitalWrite(LedY, HIGH); // fire the Yellow
digitalWrite(LedY, LOW); // switched off the Yellow
digitalWrite(LedG, LOW); // switched off the Green
digitalWrite(LedR, HIGH); // fire the Red
// time_elapsed = millis(); // to restart time pressed count
void pedestrian_crossing() {
Serial.println("Pedestrian may go ahead...");
digitalWrite(LedR, LOW); // switched off the Red
digitalWrite(LedG, LOW); // switched off the Green
digitalWrite(LedY, HIGH); // fire the Yellow
digitalWrite(LedY, LOW); // switched off the Yellow
digitalWrite(LedG, LOW); // switched off the Green
digitalWrite(LedR, HIGH); // fire the Red
In allegato il file di Fritzing che si puo' ulteriormente migliorare.
Problema: questo esempio non funziona bene e richiede una correzione.
Cosa accade se l'utente preme il pulsante durante la lunga delay(40000) del verde o del rosso?
See this example:
Si fornisce una seconda versione dello stesso programma. Questa versione dovrebbe funzionare. ;-)
Prof. Fausto Mariani
Release 1.0 - 25.01.2016
Release 2.1 - 16-02-2016 To solve a problem with long delay time
Just another Traffic light with pedestrian crossing button
This code is public domain - "dominio pubblico "
// set some Parameters
// Please change the value of this constants before Start the simulation
// with the value you agree.
const long durationRedOnSeconds = 40;
const int durationYellowOnSeconds = 4;
const long durationGreenOnSeconds = 40;
// end of Parameters
int LedR = 10; // LedR connected to digital pin numer 10
int LedY = 11; // LedYconnected to digital pin numer 11
int LedG = 12; // LedG connected to digital pin numer 12
int BUTTON = 13; // Input button connected to digital pin number 13
int val = 0; // to store the state of input button
char status = 'G'; // status=G mean normal Green, status=Y mean normal Yellow, status=R mean normal Red
// normal mean without enable Pedestrian Crossing status
char previous_status = 'G'; // previous_status=0 mean normal Green, previous_status=1 mean normal Yellow, previous_status=2 mean normal Red
// normal mean without enable Pedestrian Crossing status
unsigned long time_elapsed = millis();
// the variable time_elapsed measures the time from the start
unsigned long time_elapsed_with_button_pressed = millis();
// the variable time_elapsed_with_button_pressed
unsigned long time_elapsed_without_button_pressed = millis();
// measures the time in which the button is not pressed
long duration_pressed;
long duration_not_pressed;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // to enable Serial monitor to PC
pinMode(LedR, OUTPUT); // to set the output
pinMode(LedY, OUTPUT); // to set the output
pinMode(LedG, OUTPUT); // to set the output
pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT); // To set the pedestrian crossing input button
void loop() {
val = digitalRead(BUTTON); // To read the current input value and store it
// check if the button has been pressed
if (val == HIGH) {
time_elapsed_with_button_pressed = millis();
duration_pressed = time_elapsed_with_button_pressed - time_elapsed;
// duration_pressed store the time for which the button is pressed
if (duration_pressed > 1000)
// in order to check if the button has been pressed for at least 1 second
Serial.print("Button High, duration_pressed:");
Serial.println("We are waiting 4 seconds...");
pedestrian_crossing(durationYellowOnSeconds, 20); // we call the pedestrian_crossing() function
time_elapsed = millis(); // to restart time pressed count
status = 'G';
previous_status = 'G';
delay(10); // just to wait for 1ms
else {
delay(30); // just to make fast the simulation portal
time_elapsed_without_button_pressed = millis();
duration_not_pressed = time_elapsed_without_button_pressed - time_elapsed;
if (
(duration_not_pressed < durationGreenOnSeconds * 1000) && ( previous_status == 'G' )
// in order to stay in this state until is passed less than Green light time
digitalWrite(LedR, LOW); // switched off the Red
digitalWrite(LedY, LOW); // switched off the Yellow
digitalWrite(LedG, HIGH); // fire the Green
else if ( previous_status == 'G' )
if (duration_not_pressed > (durationGreenOnSeconds * 1000))
status= 'Y'; // we would like pass to Yellow
previous_status = status;
time_elapsed = millis();
time_elapsed_without_button_pressed = millis();
else {
status= 'G'; // we don't change the status
time_elapsed_without_button_pressed = millis();
// delay(40000);
else if (
(duration_not_pressed < durationYellowOnSeconds * 1000) && ( previous_status == 'Y' )
// in order to stay in this state until is passed less than Yellow light time
digitalWrite(LedR, LOW); // switched off the Red
digitalWrite(LedG, LOW); // switched off the Green
digitalWrite(LedY, HIGH); // fire the Yellow
// delay(5000);
else if ( previous_status == 'Y' )
if (duration_not_pressed > (durationYellowOnSeconds * 1000))
status = 'R'; // we would like pass to Red
previous_status = status;
time_elapsed = millis();
time_elapsed_without_button_pressed = millis();
else {
status = 'Y'; // we don't change the status
time_elapsed_without_button_pressed = millis();
else if (
(duration_not_pressed < durationRedOnSeconds * 1000) && ( previous_status == 'R' )
// in order to stay in this state until is passed less than Red light time
digitalWrite(LedY, LOW); // switched off the Yellow
digitalWrite(LedG, LOW); // switched off the Green
digitalWrite(LedR, HIGH); // fire the Red
else if ( previous_status == 'R' )
if (duration_not_pressed > (durationRedOnSeconds * 1000))
status = 'G'; // we would like pass to Green
previous_status = status;
time_elapsed = millis();
time_elapsed_without_button_pressed = millis();
else {
status = 'R'; // we don't change the status
time_elapsed_without_button_pressed = millis();
// delay(40000);
// time_elapsed = millis(); // to restart time pressed count
} // end if on val== HIGH
void pedestrian_crossing(int dY, int dR) {
digitalWrite(LedR, LOW); // switched off the Red
digitalWrite(LedG, LOW); // switched off the Green
digitalWrite(LedY, HIGH); // fire the Yellow
delay(dY * 1000);
Serial.println("Pedestrian may go ahead...");
digitalWrite(LedY, LOW); // switched off the Yellow
digitalWrite(LedG, LOW); // switched off the Green
digitalWrite(LedR, HIGH); // fire the Red
delay(dR * 1000);